Diet culture and fat hatred are ways to get us to internalize a sense that fascism, policing and white supremacy are normal, acceptable.  Fat liberation helps us reject diet culture, which is one way we can embody loving ourselves as we are. But fat liberation at its best is about dismantling the systems that oppress people, the systems of policing, white supremacy, colonialism, and capitalism, so ideologies like fascism can’t take root. As Da’Shaun Harrison reminded us at the 2020 Midwest-Southern Fat Organizing Convening, “no form of self-love changes the structural violence that we experience. “  Keep loving. Keep fighting.

New shirts for fat folks up at Free to Black folks always. DM us.

images: freshly block printed tshirts: a pale pink shirt with black ink  showing a fat fist surrounded by the words “Fatties Against Fascism: Resist” and roses. Two different shades of purple shirts with block letters in peach ink that say “Fatties Against Fascism.”. A tray of ink show all the colors that go into making peach ink: white, pink, yellow and orange.

#FattiesAgainstFascism #BlockPrintingOnFabric #ArtOfResistance #RadicalFatties #Antifascist #FatArt #FatArtist #FatArtists #FatArtistsMakingFatArt